I Want to Renovate My Home, Where Do I Start?
/Deciding to update, or renovate your home can be an overwhelming decision. Whether you live in a two-bedroom condo or a five-bedroom home, your head is probably full of dreams, ideas, advice, and questions. Should you renovate or remodel? Should you buy a new home or make your current space work for you? Should you hire a contractor or do the work yourself?
If you keep coming back to the same question—” where do I even start?”—it’s time to take a step back and dig into your options before you make any big decisions.
Start with your pain points
Instead of jumping into a top-to-bottom home renovation project, ask yourself what it is in your home that is pushing you to make these changes in the first place.
It doesn’t serve you to build a brand new kitchen without considering what it is about your current kitchen that isn’t working for you. Think about the three key elements to any home—light, storage, and space. And remember, no matter what your space currently looks like, there is always a way to use these three elements to create the perfect space.
It is also possible that your pain points haven’t presented themselves yet. Think about what your plans for the future are, and how your home will need to respond to each stage of your life. The needs of a single couple are not always the same as the parents of toddlers, or a house filled with young adults.
Be methodical
As you consider each room in your home, take a methodical approach to it. Go through your home room by room and consider the walls, furnishings, ceiling, floor, lighting, and functionality. Start in your entryway and work your way through your entire home.
List everything in each room that needs work and categorize each item by what needs to purchased, what needs to be built, and what needs to be renovated.
Toronto Skyline Penthouse Renovation
Consider how you use your space
Once you’ve inventoried your rooms, add how you currently use each room to those lists. Next, think about your ideal home and write down the spaces you’d like to have and uses you’re hoping to accommodate.
Take these two lists and compare—are there any spaces or uses that are missing from your current space? And how can your current home be reworked to meet those needs?
Make the most of your current space
It’s easy to say “we need more space” because, in reality, everyone could always use a bit more space. But before you jump into adding an addition or moving to a more spacious house, it’s important to make sure you’re using your current space to its full potential.
Do you have a large storage room that could be purged and renovated to fill a need? Or is your basement unfinished and waiting to be put to use? Is there a wall that could be knocked down to make your home feel more open and welcoming?
You may still realize that you do, in fact, need more space, but it’s important to explore all avenues beforehand.
Toronto Skyline Penthouse Renovation
Always put the essentials first
It may be tempting to spend your time and budget tackling that gorgeous kitchen island you’ve been dreaming about, but it is essential to address any issues with the fundamental functioning of your home first.
Plumbing, electricity, and insulation issues may not give you the visual impact you’re looking for, but they will help to keep your warm, safe, and happy.
Find a professional
Thanks to Google and well-meaning friends and family, you’ll get no shortage of advice when it comes to renovating your home.
Everyone has an opinion, but not everyone is an expert. It’s important to speak to a professional before you take steps to move forward with a large-scale home renovation or home addition.
At Attard Construction, we’re here to help make your dream home your reality. Contact us today and learn more about our services.